Home / Job Offers / Budhanilkantha School Vacancy 2078 | Account Officer, Maintenance Officer and Lab Technician

Budhanilkantha School Vacancy 2078 | Account Officer, Maintenance Officer and Lab Technician

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Budhanilkantha School Vacancy 2078 | Account Officer, Maintenance Officer and Lab Technician

Budhanilkantha School, started teaching in 1973 with one building, 82 students (all boys) and about a dozen teachers. The same building served as the hostel, the cafeteria and the classrooms. The construction of other buildings (hostels, classrooms, dinning hall, assembly hall, sports hall and staff quarters) was completed by the end of 1978. Peter J. Wakeman became the first Headmaster of Budhanilkantha School and Mr. Ratna Bahadur Tamot and Mr. Gehendra Man Udas were the first Nepali personel to be appointed as teachers.

The idea of establishing a model school that would provide quality all-round education to meritorious students coming from every walk of life in an environment that fosters unity in diversity was conceived in 1964. The idea was initiated by the Late King Mahendra in consultation with the then British Council representative, Lynndon Clough.

Budhanilkantha School announces vacancy for the following posts
-Account Officer
-Maintenance Officer
-Lab Technician

Budhanilkantha School Vacancy


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Budhanilkantha School Vacancy
Budhanilkantha School Vacancy

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