Home / Share Market / Cash Dividend and Bonus Shares: 14 companies are distributing Cash Dividend and Bonus Shares

Cash Dividend and Bonus Shares: 14 companies are distributing Cash Dividend and Bonus Shares

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Cash Dividend and Bonus Shares: 14 companies are distributing Cash Dividend and Bonus Shares

Do you have a share of these Banks, Microfinance and development banks or companies?

You’re lucky to get cash divided and bonus share starting from 2nd Bhadra. these are the companies whose shareholders will be getting bonus share as well as cash divided in the coming month:

  • Uni Lever Nepal Limitied
  • Deva Bikash Bank
  • Ngadi Group Power Ltd
  • NMB Sulav Investment Fund
  • Nabil Bank
  • Sworojgar Microfinance Development Bank
  • Neco Insurance
  • Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme
  • Siddhartha Equity Oriented
  • Swodeshi Microfinance
  • Nabil Balanced Fund
  • Citizens Bank International
  • NIBL Sambridhi Fund
  • First Microfinance Development Bank

The following are the proposed Bonus share and Cash divided

Bonus Share and Dividend of Proposed Companies


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