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Nepali number to word converter

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Nepali number to word converter | How to convert Nepali number to words

If you’re having problem with writing a number in Nepali and write them in words as 12 is written बाह्र दशमलव शुन्य then now you’ve a solution with Ptnepali converter. It just translates any number  into word format. Use it and Save your precious time.
Click here to download:

How to use it:

  1. Open Ms-Excel
  2. Click Home button
  3. Click on excel options
  4. Click on add-ins
  5. Click on Go
  6. Click Browse and select the Ptnepaliconverter file
  7. Click ok
  8. Now write any number like 32 in A1. Click on the B1 and type as =Pt(A1) then enter.
  9. Now you have the number written in word. Select preeti font for better results.

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