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Tax Avoidance: Methods of Tax Avoidance

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Tax Avoidance: Methods of Tax Avoidance

Tax Avoidance

Reduction of tax taking advantages of loopholes and weakness in tax laws – without breaking the laws-immoral/unethical practice. Tax avoidance is saving taxes without actually breaking the law. It is using the loopholes of the tax law. It is not illegal but unethical.

GSA Wheat Craft says,” Tax avoidance is the art of dodging tax with out actually breaking the law”.

In other words, it is a transaction entered into with full legal backing. However, such activities are of those kinds that the legislature does not want to encourage. The following are criteria used by English and Indian court to find out tax avoidance:

We can see following characteristics of tax avoidance:

Section 35 of Income Tax Act, 2058 has defined tax avoidance as any means of arrangement, one of the purposes of which is the avoidance or tax liability. This act has made the provision against tax avoidance section 35 of the act has given certain rights to Inland Revenue Department to minimize tax avoidance.

Methods of Tax Avoidance

According to Prof. Dr. Agrawal, the important devices used in avoidance of taxes are as follows:


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