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Theme of Pierre Teilharde Chardin’s Meditation

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Theme of Pierre Teilharde Chardin’s Meditation

Writer:         Pierre Teilharde Chardin

Born:            May 1, 1881

Nationality: French

The central idea in this poem is to show the power of love and meditation. Love is the tree imaginative outflowing of the spirit overall the unexplored paths. It links all paths and all the people of the world. Love is the bond that unites all of us. It does not destroy anybody. Love helps everyone to discover the mutual relation to each other. It helps to discover in each other’s uniqueness and creative power. Love alone can unite all living beings. We can harness the energy reach to the space, fly with the winds, go across the tides, go up to the sky against the gravitation, and finally reach to the heaven in the place of god. It is the energy of love and meditation that makes our journey possible. We should not brace ourselves against suffering. Suffering is the first step to enlightenment. To love is to discover and complete one’s self in someone other than oneself. Every individual can see his/her own self in his isolation that will disappear when all of us are bind with the single spirit of love.

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