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Conrad’s Narrative Technique in The Heart of Darkness

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Conrad’s Narrative Technique in The Heart of Darkness

Conrad’s own life experience

Achebe’s notion

Two narrator rivets
Unnamed narrator They are going somewhere sitting in the boat

The narrator found Accountant in outer station.

outer station mid station central station
Accountant there are manager and his uncle


Narrative Technique in the novel “The Heart of Darkness”

The narrator provides background for Marlow to develop the story, when Marlow misses the at the story this narrator “intervening Marlow and adds frame to the story of Marlow

– Marlow’s lotus posture

– Kurt’s European intended.

– The shadow of Joseph Conrad is in central intelligence.

The technique of central intelligence means that almost all the story and incidents veer around the single character. In “heart of Darkness” the whole story is told from the perspective of the narrator, who opens background for Marlow and several times intervene the story of Marlow and reversal times intervene the story of Marlow which is incomplete for him. Thus the whole novel is formed through the perspective of the central intelligence.

The experimental caliber (formation) of this novel is incomprehensible. There is the objective co-relation behind it. The complexity in the mission of colonialism is explored with the inclusion of the complex narrative structures. Because of the explanation of colonial agents like Kurtz and because of the conflict for there between and the colonial agents such as Marlow and any among Kurtz incoherence in teh mission of colonialism. This internal in coherency is rendering the mission of colonialism into the complex situation. To present this complex city the wire chooses the complex sentence structure Marlow is the symbol of Buddhism

  1. i) Marlow’s lotus posture. ii) Marlow’s love for peace

The character of Marlow on the one hand assumes the lotus posture in narrating the story while on the other hand despite . Kurtz’s treachery against him, Marlow still loves the character of Kurtz.

Relationship between the colorizes and Colonized / comnial novel.

Depiction of the females in “The Heart of Darkness”

1) Marlow’s aunt                                 Positive character

2) Kurtz’s women                                Negative character

3) Kurtz’s fiancee                                Positive character

4) Kurtz’s Black Mistress                    Negative character

Two of the females, Marlow’s aunt and kilting women are related towards Marlow’s activities. Here the females are trying to guide Marlow’s future. But Kurtz’s intended and Black mistress are the tzols in the hand of Kurtz exploited and waiting to be exploited

Exploration of Evil in “The Heart of Darkness”

The novel as the story of Journey “within in”

The novellas depiction of the journey of Marlow and Kurtz can be presented as the inner journey where the movement of the characters of Marlow and Kurtz from the outer station to the inner station and finally to the central station are symbolical of how the characters are moving in their psychic formation for the consciousness to the subconsciousness and finally to the unconsciousness. Marlow’s capability to return from the central station is symbolically his success from his unconscious psyche whereas Kurtz’s incapability to return from the central station is the example of his incapability to maintain the co-relation between formal and sensors drive

The protagonist, Marlow’s journey from the outer station to the inner station and finally to the central station is similar to his psychological journey from his conscious self, sub conscious self and ultimately to the cineonsious self. It means that Marlow is capable to move from his consciousness towards unconsciousness. Likewise Marlow finally becomes able to be returned from the central station of the Africa. The central station of Africa is symbolically the unconscious state of mind where Marlow’s capability to be returned from the darkness of Africa is his assertion of the successful character.

Karl Gustav Jung in his psychoanalytical theory claims that the successful human beings are capable to make their journey from consciousness to uncousciousness and vice-vessa. In this connection Marlow siltiy in the lotus posture in the yatch makes psychological journey where reaching towards the unconscious psyche he ultimately becomse able to be returned from the unconsciousness. But in the character of Kurtz we can not find the capacity of Marlow. Kurtz after his reaching towards Africa is incapable to e returned. He exploits the natives, he himself is  exploited and his situation of the dark forces engulfing -ldNg’_ his own life is the situation of a person who incapable of controlling his emotionality and unconsciousness , is sacrificing his own life. Before reaching Africa Kurtz is a man of sense. But he becomes the man of sensibility in the African locality where he losser his life. Here, Kurtz’s fall in “Heart of Darkness” can be related to the his fall of a human being who is incapable to control his unconscious psyche.

It is nature of human psychology that it is not an easy job to return from the unconsciousness. Once a person paves his way to the unconscious psyche then it will need a great sacrifice and psyche logical strength  to be removed out of unconscious and subconscious psyche. The determined human beings who are capable of controlling their unconsciousness through their conscious self, can be successful. Marlow’s journey towards Africa is an eg. of a rational human being’s action to the movement towards irrationality. But Marlow does not becomes infected from the irrationality of the African locality. But Marlow suffers from a little antidote which is his sickness causing his desquamation in the sound health. This is the true example of the psychology of the human beings.

Kurtz is the symbol of a rational human being lost in the dense of irrationality where his incapability to be returned away from the central station of Africa is an example of how he is incapable to escape from his unconscious psyche.

In the conclusion, the movement of Kurtz’s and Marlow’s from the outer station to the inner station and finally to the central station can be compared with the act of human beings journey from conscious psyche, to the subconscious psyche and finally to the conscious psyche. Marlow’s return from the central station is an example of the victory of the human beings who possess the play drive. But Kurtz’s incapability to return from the central station or the darkness of Africa is an example of an unsuccessful human beings who cannot return from the unconscious psyche. There evidences makes the novel sound of psychological novel having the characters involving in the inner journey.

Marlow’s Characterization

Post colonial novel “The Heart of Darkness”

–  After colonialism

– Against colonialism

There are three scaffold scenes in the “Scarlet Letter”

Structural merits and demerits of “Robinson Crusoe”

