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Social Realism in The Scarlet Letter

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Social Realism in The Scarlet Letter

Victorian Puritan Romantic modern
17th century the use of images and  symbols
the church was strict the love for the past
the Puritanism was controlling voice unity of action
The extramarital relationship is supposed to be the criminal act. Those criminal were punished by making them chimbing on the scafford and wear the letter ‘A’ Open endeness
This was the symbol of Adultery committed by the person



Structure of the novel

In the novel there is the main plot without any subplots

Social Realism in “Scarlet Letter”

Transcendentalism, Victorianism, Puritanism

The nation of physical and psychological isolation is one of the formative structure of the novel “Scarlet Letter” physical isolation is outward isolation whereas psychological isolation is the isolation inwardly. Hester Prynne’s physical isolation but psychologically strong is opposed to Arthur dimmesdale’s physically not isolated but psychologically haunted which is the cause of his death.

Hester Prynne

Psychological isolation

Deimmesdale is not physically isolated but suffers from self humiliation. His incapability to remove hissinful behaviour is the cause of his death. His realization of the crime in copiloting Hester becomes the cause of his death. Psychological isolation has been proved more infections than the physical isolation.