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Custom Duty Airport Tax in Nepal for LCD/LED/Plasma Television, Smart TV, 3D TV at Tribhuvan International Airport for the term 2073-2074
Check the new rules what you can what you cannot bring in Nepal
LCD, LED, Plazma, 3D and Smart TV’s Airport Tax Rate in Nepal:
If you are thinking of bringing LCD, LED TV in Nepal or some other electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, and other gadgets while returning from abroad, then you must know the New rules for importing such electronic items. Many of these devices are custom duty free/tax free in arrivals. But, recently Government of Nepal, Ministry of Finance, Department of Customs has levied the custom duty charges and tax rates in Televisions. Here inform you the custom duty airport tax rates for LED/LCD/3D or Smart TV’s according to their screen size.
Following flat amount of customs duty shall be charged (instead of customs duty, excise duty and VAT) on LCD, Plazma or LED or 3D TV imported by Nepali Travelers under the sub-section(2) of section 1 of the notification in Nepal Gazette regarding the Baggage Rules published.
Size of LCD, LED, Plazma or 3D TV (in inch) | Less than six month stay in foreign country
(per inch Custom duty Rs.) |
More than six month stay in foreign country
(per inch Custom duty Rs.) |
Upto 22 inch | 200.00 | 150.00 |
23 inch to 29 inch | 300.00 | 250.00 |
30 inch to 32 inch | 450.00 | 400.00 |
33 inch to 39 inch | 550.00 | 500.00 |
40 inch to 49 inch | 500.00 | 550.00 |
50 inch and above | 1250.00 | 1200.00 |
You can bring any type of Television up to 32 inch ON FREE if you’re a Nepalese Citizen and you’ve spent at least one year in a foreign country. You’ll have to pay Full tax and duty charge in the import of TVs more than 32 inches.
नेपाल सरकार का अधिकृत, मन्त्रि हरु सबै घुसखोरी छन् भन्ने त थाहा छदै थियो अझै एहानिर स्पस्ट हुन्छा कि जाबो एउटा टि भी मा पर इन्च ५५० समादर भन्सार लिदा ४० इञ्च को २२०००-२२५०० सम्म कर तिर्नुपर्छ भनेपछि , हो सामान मा कर लगाउनुपर्दछ तर जुन सामान नेपाल मा उत्पादन हुन्छा तेस्तै सामान आयात गर्दा भन्सार १००० गुना बढी लगाउदा पनि हुन्छा तर यहा सी जी कम्पनि संग अरबौ कमिसन लिने अनि विदेश मा २०००० मा पाइने टि भी लाइ नेपालमा ७०००० मा बेच्ने अनि एसो गर्दा विदेश बाटा सामान ल्याउन नदिने र ब्यापारी र कम्पनि ले महंगोमा सामान बेचेर जनताको ढाड सक्ने उच्च कर्मचारी, मन्त्रि लाइ करोडौ घुस दिएर मुख बन्द गराउने प्रचलन छ होइन भने कसरि नेपालमा बनेको भन्ने चौधरी ग्रुपको टि भी लाइ पनि ४ गुणा महँगो पर्न जान्छा अनि भन्सार को नाममा दुनियामा नभएको जातिमा किन्यो तेती नै कर तिर्नुपर्ने . आखिर जनता नै मर्ने हुन् नेता लाइ त जति पनि गिफ्ट आइहाल्छ नि हजुर !!!
Why don’t you suck our soul outta us 1700 qr for Sony tv worth 54400 npr custom charge is 78000 wtf ashamed of being citizen of Nepal what a curse.
50inch ko Sony TV launu lagekoo Kati lagxa hola tax plz Vani dinu paro malai
I want to buy 65inch led. How much tax I had to pay?
What if i ordered a second hand laptop from usa?
I have a used 4k LED TV (40″), and would like to take to Nepal with me. should i pay any costum duty? If so, how much?
I have sony 4k 49inch tv and i have spent 2 year complete in Dubai UAE so what the tax of it.
Mero ta tv nai futaideko raicha. How can i claim back my paid custom duty. I paid 26000 for 40” led tv. Plz somebody help
I have sony 4k 49inch tv and i have spent 22 months in Dubai UAE so what the tax of it.
I have spent in Saudi for 2 years and I want to bring a 32″ LCD then how much should I pay?
if you are a nepali citizen and has spent more than 1 year abroad then you can bring free tv upto 32 inch.
pls provide direct source of the content (web link or pdf copies nepal govt letter dated and stampted)
what if i bring 32″ television and not stayed for 1 year abroad? do i have to pay?
how you calculate suppose if i bring 50″ tv than how much should i pay ??? i have to pay full 50′ tv price or whatever inches of more than 32″ tv.? like i mean to say i have to pay for 18″ only or full 50″ coz as per rules till 32″ is free if i have spend more than one year abor?
My friend was charged Rs 1000 per inch last year and the other friend was charged Rs 500 for 40inch tv and this page has different information. Where did you extract this information? I did call the custom department in Nepal but they didn’t answer.
Where can i find the official rules and regulations regarding tv charges? You know how the custom people are like in Nepal! They can change the rules then and there hence i want to print the actual written rules and charges while travelling to Nepal. In that way i don’t have to pay more than what i have to.
Thank you in advance.
I will be go after 1 month for vacation so I will take 40 inch tv led .how much should I pay
40inch × rs.550 = rs.22000 u have to pay dude.
i work in malaysia i want to go in vacation after i work 11
months i can take 32 ” led or not….. if i have to pay how much?