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Function of the Diplomatic mission
A foreign body set up by mutual arrangement of states to deal with foreign relation, to maintain constant, official contacts and to act on behalf of the state which founded it on all political and other questions arising in the international ship of states. According to in international custom which was fixed in the 1961 at Vienna, diplomatic mission may be set up on one of the three levels to which the class of the diplomatic representative belongs. In the 15th century the Italian invented the system of resident ambassadors. Now every state maintains Missions, consisting of embassies. Only a good Mission works with a sense of purpose, collective and with a minimum of internal bargaining. But there is no one set formula for the good operation of a mission. According to article 3 sub-article 1 of the Vienna convention, the functions of a diplomatic mission consist inter alia, in:
(a) Representing the sending state in the receiving state;
(b) Protecting in the receiving state the interest of the sending state and of its nationals, within the limits permitted by the international law:
(c) Negotiating with the Government of the receiving state:
(d) Ascertaining by all law means conditions and developments in the receiving state, and reporting thereon to the government of the sending state:
(e) Promoting friendly relations between the sending state and the receiving state, and developing their economic, culture and scientific relations.
References and Works Cited
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, (1961)
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, (1963)