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How to Prepare a House Rent Agreement | House Rent Agreement Sample

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How to Prepare a House Rent Agreement | House Rent Agreement Sample

Dot Nepal presents a sample house rent agreement which could be useful for making legal agreements between the owner and the tenant.

How to Prepare a House Rent Agreement | Legal Assistance

House Rent Agreement

Whereas Mr. ………… Kharel owner of Hotel …… (Hereafter called the tenants) resident of ……………. VDC, ward no. 4, Kapilvastu, Nepal are willing to rent 2 flats of 8 rooms for business purpose whereas Mr. …………..Aryal (Bhusal) (hereafter called house owner) is willing to provide house located at …………. VDC, ward no.4, Kapilvastu, Nepal on the following terms and conditions:

Terms and Conditions

  1. The building is located at ward no. 4, …………….. VDC, Kapilvastu, Nepal.
  2. The rental charges of the above mentioned flats exclusive of electricity and water charges shall be Rs. 18,000 (in words eighteen thousand only) per month.
  3. An amount not exceeding Rs. 800 per month will be paid by the tenants for maintenance and minor repair upon presentation of bills and vouchers, the entire responsibility of the major maintenance and safety of the complex remains on the house owner.
  4. The tenants will be responsible to clear all the electricity and water bills as per the monthly invoice bills from the respective authorities.
  5. The tenants will pay the rental charges on the basis of claim bill submitted by house owner on the monthly basis.
  6. This contract is valid for 5 (five) years from the date of signing of this contract i.e. 2074/11/01 (2018-02-13). However, the contract  can be extended for further period (s) upon the prior information and mutual understanding. Likewise, the contract agreement can be terminated upon prior information of two months from either party.
  7. Any disputes between the parties shall be cited at District Administrative Office, Kapilvastu, Nepal.

This contract is signed in good faith today, 2074/01/01(2018-02-13) on behalf of both the parties.


On behalf of House Owner,                                       On behalf of the Tenant,
_____________                                                                        _____________
……………..Aryal (Bhusal)                                                     ………………. Kharel
(Prop. of Hotel ………)
Pan No. …….

Certified by:
Advocate/ Notary Public
Mr. ……………
Date: 2064/11/01(2018-02-13)
N.P. card no. …….
Seal of the Notary Public


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