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The Leprosy Mission Nepal Vacancy 2076 | INGO Jobs in Nepal
The Leprosy Mission Nepal (TLM) is a UK based international non government organization started its work in Nepal from 1957 with establishment of Anandaban Hospital in Lele, the sourthern part of Lalitpur. However, from 2005 TLM Nepal has been working as independent NGO in partnership with TLM international and the Government of Nepal to provide specialist tertiary care and technical support for leprosy control programs. It also undertakes internationally recognized research into leprosy and implements disability inclusive community development programs through its own activities and strategic partnership. Being one of the largest NGOs in the country, TLM Nepal mainly focuses in working with and for people affected by leprosy. Its development interventions focuses in the areas of health, capacity building, education, sustainable livelihoods, community development, advocacy and research working towards equity and inclusion of people affected by leprosy and disability in the development process. TLM announces vacancy for the following posts. Interested candidates shall submit application through the given link before 2076.3.8 The Leprosy Mission Vacancy