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Lesson Plan Format for English: Teaching A Case of The Dumb Waiter

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Lesson Plan Format for English: Teaching A Case of The Dumb Waiter


Level: Secondary                       Duration: 45 Minutes

Title: The Dumb Waiter (Drama)

  1. Specific Objectives:

Complete the dialogue between Gus and Ben;

– Write a summary of the drama.

  1. Teaching Materials:

– Pictures showing different scenes in a room,

– Packages containing small objects.

  1. Teaching Learning Activities

Activity One

The teacher asks the students to read the possible descriptions of Gus and Ben and decide which one they like most, they work in pairs. Then they write the rest of the dialogue between Gus and Ben.

  1. Gus and Ben are two brothers, who share the same house. They are getting old now, and can not always see or hear very well. Ben is older than Gus and likes to tell him what to do.
  2. Gus and Ben work in the same office together. Ben is the Boss and like telling Gus what to do.
  3. Gus and Ben are two hired Killers who work together. They are nervously waiting for their instructions about who they must kill next.
  4. Gus and Ben are to students who share the same room. Gus is very quiet and shy, but Ben is very confident.

Activity Two

The teacher brings three or four packages into the classrooms which contain small objects, perhaps objects which are fairly unusual. For variety include an envelope, something wrapped like a gift, something in a carrier bag, etc. The students have to try to guess what is in each package by asking questions about the objects. The teacher provides the one-word answers to the questions.

Before starting this activity, you may wish to revise any questions that the students might find useful, for example, where does it come from? And what’s it made up of?

Activity Three

When the students have finished writing the dialogue in activity one, each pair reads in out aloud the classes who have to guess which one of the descriptions of Gus and Ben the pair chose before completing the dialogue.

Activity Four

Students in pairs look at the pictures and discuss which picture best fits the dialogue.

Activity Five

The teacher asks the students to do the following activities:

  1. Complete the dialogues below by inserting one of these phrases:

– What do you mean?

– What?

  1. SUE: Look Jim, I think you are a lovely person, but I don’t things are going very well between us at the moment.


SUE: Well, I think it’s better if we don’t see other any more.

  1. b) MARIA: Where did you put the butter?

PETE: ………………………………………………………..

MARIA: If you turn off the television you’ll be able to hear me.

  1. c) BILLY: We won, we won the match!

BILLY’S MOTHER:……………………………………………

BILLY: Yes, I know ……………….. it’s a great surprise!

  1. d) MS KELLY: I don’t think I can stay late to work anymore.

MR YOUNG: ………………………………………………………

MS KELLY: Well, my boyfriend is starting to get suspicious.

  1. Teacher Establishes:

We usually say ‘what?’ If we didn’t hear what someone said, or if we are very surprised by what someone says. We usually say ‘What do you mean?’ If we don’t really understand what someone means, and we want them to explain more clearly what they mean. How are these two phrases use in the text from the play? Does this tell you anything about the character or their relationship?

Activity Six

The students are asked to complete the following text about Gus and Ben in Pairs using their imagination.

Gus and Ben are …………………………………………………..

They live……………………………………………………………….

Gus is ………………………………………………………….

Ben is……………………………………………………………….

One day ………………………………………………………………

Thank You

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