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Nepal Council of Arbitration Research Scholarship

Hits: 204

Nepal Council of Arbitration Research Scholarship Details:

Nepal council of arbitration (NEPCA) invites proposal for research within one month from the date of this notice on the following subjects from university students, who may use the research output as a part of their thesis in the topic of ‘Settlement of Commercial Disputes through ADR mechanisms in Nepal’ towards the fulfillment of the requirements for a Master’s Degree program in Construction Engineering or Construction Law, NEPCA will provide grants as follows for each research which is expected to be completed within 18 months.


  • Research 1: Trends of Arbitration in Goods and Consultancy in Nepal in the last 10 years :                             ————————————Research Grant: Rs. 50000/-
  • Research 2: Trends of Arbitration in Construction Contracts in Nepal in the last 10 years                             ————————————Research Grant: Rs. 100000/-
  • Research 3: Trends of Adjudication and Dispute Boards (DB,DAB, DRB) in Goods, consultancy and Construction Contracts in Nepal in the last 10 years                                   ——————————————————————–Research Grant: Rs. 50000/-



  • GON Departments, Municipalities, State Enterprises (Corporations, Authorities, Companies), Suppliers, Consultants.


  • Time for Adjudication
  • Contract Amount
  • Claim Amount
  • Award Amount
  • Numbers and Amount of Decisions Referred to Arbitration
  • Numbers and Amount of Decisions Implemented
  • Rules of Adjudication Applied
  • Other Relevant Items


Interested Law graduates shall send their application to: nepca@outlook.com/ nepca@ntc.net.np

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