Home / Job Offers / Nepal Police Inspector, Sub-Police Inspector and Constable Vacancy | 1172 vacant posts

Nepal Police Inspector, Sub-Police Inspector and Constable Vacancy | 1172 vacant posts

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Nepal Police Inspector, Sub-Police Inspector and Constable Vacancy | 1172 vacant posts

Nepal Police Headquarters, invites applications for altogether 1172 vacant posts. As of today, the vacancy for the posts have been published. Interested candidates can submit their applications from the five developmental regional offices for the Police Inspector.

Police Inspector requirements

 91 vacant posts
  • Nepalese citizen
  • Bachelor’s complete in any discipline.
  • Not a member of terrorist organization
  • Not a member of any political party
  • Height: at least 5 feet 2 inch for males and 5 inch for females
  • Age: 20-25 years

Police Inspector Syllabus

Sub Police Inspector Qualification/ Requirements

314 vacant posts
  • Nepalese citizen
  • Intermediate/ +2 complete in any discipline.
  • Not a member of any political party
  • Not a member of terrorist organization
  • Height: at least 5 feet 2 inch for males and 5 inch for females
  • Age: 18-24 years

Sub Police Inspector Syllabus

Police Constable Qualification

767 vacant posts
  • Nepalese citizen
  • Class 8 complete
  • Not a member of any political party
  • Not a member of terrorist organization
  • Height: at least 5 feet 2 inch for males and 5 inch for females
  • Age: 18-23 years

Sub Police Constable Syllabus

Applicants can submit their application form with 5 copies of passport size photo. Download the application Form for Inspector/Sub-Inspector and constable from here : Download Application Form

The original Notice

Nepal Police Vacancy 2074

Source: gorkhapatraonline.com

Thank You for visiting !

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  2. am i eligible for police inspector if i have done +2 and diploma in pharmacy?

  3. my age is 15 can i join in inspector

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