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NTC vacancy 2078
NTC vacancy 2078

Nepal Telecom Vacancy 2078 | NTC Vacancy

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Nepal Telecom Vacancy 2078 | NTC Vacancy

Nepal Telecommunications Authority, is the telecommunications regulatory body of Nepal. It is an autonomous body established on Feb 1998 in accordance with Telecommunications Act, 1997 and Telecommunications Regulation, 1998. It’s objective is to create a favorable and competitive environment for the development, expansion and operation of telecommunications services with the private sector participation in Nepal. It’s aims are:
To make the telecommunications service reliable and easily available to the public.

To make necessary arrangement to avail basic telecommunications service and facilities in all rural and urban areas throughout the kingdom of Nepal.

To protect the rights and interests of consumers by ensuring the provision of quality service.

To make arrangement for the coordination and healthy competition among the persons providing Telecommunications Service and facilities.

NTA announces vacancy for the following posts

NTC Vacancy 2078


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NTC vacancy 2078
NTC vacancy 2078

Nepal Telecom vacancy

NTC Vacancy
NTC Vacancy

NTC job 2078
NTC job 2078

Time Left to Apply

NTC Syllabus 2076

  1. AD Prashan Internal Syllabus
  2. DD Prashasan Internal Syllabus
  3. AD Account Open Syllabus
  4. AD Open admin Syllabus
  5. Assistant -open Syllabus
  6. Asst Director Engineering-Internal/open Syllabus
  7. AD Law -open Syllabus

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  1. Exam date kahile aau xa

  2. Vivek Singh Kashyap

    How to check exam date

  3. Vivek Singh Kashyap

    Sir how to check exam date

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