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Performance Appraisal System | Performance Evaluation System

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Performance Appraisal System

Performance appraisal system is one of the prime components of Human Resource Management and Development. The major motive of performance evaluation system in an organization is to communicate information, reinforce strategies, norms and values of the local/municipal government and to integrate the individual and over all objectives of the organization. In fact, this system provides an essential and a potential tool to share mutual expectations between the management and the employees. Therefore, performance appraisal system is an inevitable element to accelerate the pace of the personnel’s activities so as to accomplish the organizational goals and objectives in its real sense.

Performance Evaluation System

The Local Governance Act, 1999 has clearly defined some basic procedures for evaluating the performance of the employees of the municipality.

Pursuant to the act, the appraisal of the performance of the employee in the municipality is generally supervised once a year by the employee prescribed by the executive officer of the municipality and the review of such appraisal profoundly carried out by the executive officer.

There are certain criteria for carrying out the performance appraisal in the Act, which are as follows:

§  Capacity to perform the functions in accordance with working schedule and the standard.

§  Outcome or use of the performed functions.

§  Zeal and diligence towards the function.

§  Capacity to perform the functions in accordance with direction.

§  Knowledge and skill of the subject matter.

§  Honestly, morality and courtesy.

§  Decision making capacity.

§  Co-operation and hospitality.

§  Capacity to control and guide the subordinates.

§  Discipline and high morale.

§  Potential, optimism and capable for promotion.


If the personnel possess the above-mentioned criteria, he is capable to be promoted in the just upper post in the Municipality. Promotion is of course, a great price for the dedication, honesty and capacity of an individual. Therefore, this system plays a vital role to motivate the employees and to accomplish the organizational goals and mission.

With reference to the Local Governance Act, there is a sound provision for promotion of the employees. Yet, the provision for promotion is different for different levels of the employees.

§  For the post above officer level (II class), 75% of the total vacant posts are fulfilled by promotion based on appraisal of working efficiently and competencies from among the officers exactly one level below the post to be fulfilled. And, the remaining 25% of the vacant posts are to be filled in by the internal competitively examinations.

§  For the posts of officers level III, only 25% of the vacant posts are occupied through the promotion from among the employees of the assistant level (V class), on the basis of internal competitive examination. And, 75% of the vacant posts are filled in through the open competition.

§  Similarity, for the assistant level, 75% of the vacant posts are fulfilled in by promotion from among the employees just blow level of the vacant posts on the basis of appraisal of work performance and competence. The rest 2% of the vacant posts are filled in through the open competition.

§  Apart from these, for the technical posts, the employees to be promoted are required to possess the minimum academic qualification required for the posts to be fulfilled by the promotion.

Base of Promotion

The Local Governance Act has candidly made a provision of some foundation for the promotion. While promoting the employees of the municipality, the employees who secure the highest scores among all up on making the appraisal of his working performance and competence, is promoted. The Act provides clear bases for making appraisal of the employees’ working capacity and competence, which are as follows:

Seniority of service-30 marks

Academic qualification-15 marks

Working capacity-50 marks

Training-5 marks

Total-100 marks

In additional to the base for promotion, the Act has also regulated the provision for appeal regarding the promotion if any employee does not satisfy with the promotion. The appellate authority is the statutory to the Ministry of Local Development. The appellate authority is supposed to complete the action on such appeals within three months and the decision the authority makes in this regard is final.

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