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Swisscontact Vacancy for Different Posts| INGO Jobs in Nepal

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Swisscontact Vacancy for Different Posts| INGO Jobs in Nepal

Swisscontact announces is a business oriented in dependent foundation for international development cooperation. Represented in 38 countries with over 1,000 employees, it promotes since 1959- economic social and environmental development. We invite applications from committed and experienced Nepali citizens for the following position at Swisscontact Country Office, Kupondole, Lalitpur. Qualified and interested candidates can apply for the post in the given address.

Swisscontact Vacancy: INGO Job in Nepal


Vacancy Notice
Swisscontact Career

Swisscontact Vacancy 2020: Job Details

Deadline: 15 December 2020
Apply Online through the following link

Job Title Duty Station Apply Now
Technical Coordinator

Monitoring Officers

Finance Officer

Documentation and Database Office

Finance and Admin Assistants


Officer Assistant

Lalitpur, Nepal


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