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What is lyric?

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What is lyric?

The word ‘lyric’ literally means a song to be sung or recited to the accompaniment of the lyre (a musical instrument). Lyric is a form of a poem, used for a short non-narrative poem which expresses the feelings and thoughts of a single speaker in a personal and subjective manner, lyric is usually presented in the first person i.e. ‘I’. However, it doesn’t mean to say that the speaker in the poem is the poet him/herself.
Some the leading lyric poets are Robert Burns, William words worth, S.T. Coleridge, John Keats, Robert Frost etc. in English literature. Lyrics involve various modes of expression. It may be simply a brief expression of a mood or a state of feelings. For instance, some lines from Burns’s lyric:
My love is like a red red rose
That’s newly sprung in June,
My love is like the melodies
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.


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