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Case Study: Writing a case study for B.Ed. Third Year TU

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Case Study: Writing a case study for B.Ed. Third Year TU

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A Case Study Report of

Taudaha Rastriya H.S School Taudaha, Kirtipur (2009).

Submitted to

Tribhuwan University Faculty of Education

Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Kathmandu


Partial fulfillment of B.Ed. third year (English Department)

Teaching practice


Presented by


B.Ed third year

Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Kathmandu.

Campus Roll No.

T.U. Regd. No.9-2-55-797-

Symbol no:




Page No.

  1. Background of the study                                               1
  2. Significance of the study                                               1
  3. Statement of the problem                                             2
  4. Objectives of the study                                                   2
  5. Delimitation of the study                                               3
  6. Methodology of the study                                              3
  7. Conclusion of the study                                                  9
Annex A                                                                                          
Annex B

Background of the study

Case study is an investigative task that is to be done by every student teacher during his/her practice teaching in school This is an investigative study of a student about his / her different aspects to find out the strengths or weakness of the student and to find out the solutions for solving the problems. As a student of B.Ed. III year, I also went to Taudaha H.S School, Kathmandu for my practice teaching.
During my practice teaching in the school, I taught in grade seven, I observed all of the students of the class. I selected one intelligent student of the class Mr. Bikash K.C Kapoor for the case study. I selected him because he is the most intelligent student in the class and he has secured the highest marks in him first terminal exam 2009.

Significance of the study

It is said, “A good teacher has to read every page of the students”. A teacher’s main task is to teach the students and make them learn new things. But the teacher cannot be always successful in achieving his goal because sometimes the students fail to learn what the teacher teaches. The teacher generally thinks that the students fail their examination because they do not care about their study. But this is not the sole cause of failure. There may be various causes of the failure. There may be some physical, psychological, economic, educational and environmental problems that create hindrance in study. If a teacher neglects all these factors of a student and confines his work just in teaching, his objective will never be achieved. So a teacher has to study all the relevant matters of the students that have been affecting in his/her study to treat him/her psychologically and diagnostically.
Case study is an investigative and detail study of a student. It helps a teacher to get each and every detailed information about the student- personal, familial, social, educational, economic, etc. It helps the person, who studies, to find out the matters or causes that have helped or affected the study of the student. It helps to find out the psychological and other factors of the student that have been either assistance or hindrance in his/her study and other activities. A person can find the factors contributing to make a person either extra-ordinary or dull. It helps in treating the students diagnostically and psychologically providing feed back to the teacher. Such kind of study may help in the study and investigation of other similar students, too.

Statement of the problem

In course of practice teaching. I have taught in class seven in Taudaha H.S. School. Among 25 students, Mr. Bikash K.C one intelligent student has been selected for case study. He is the most intelligent student in the class. He has secured high marks in his first terminal examination 2009. The main objective of this study is to find out the reasons how Bikash K.C became an extra-ordinary and how he can do better than this. The study is concerned with the investigation of the factors that contribute to make his intelligent.

Objective of the study

A study or investigation without any objectives becomes haphazard and cannot meet its target. This study has been done taking certain objectives. The main objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. To find out why Mr. Bikash K.C is an extra- ordinary student.
  2. To find out the factors or matters that has been hindrance in his study.
  3. To find out his family background.
  4. To find out what his family’s economic condition is.
  5. To find out the social and educational background of his family.
  6. To find out what types of behaviors he performs with his peers and teachers.
  7. To find out his educational status.
  8. To suggest him to do better in future.
  9. To suggest the teachers and his parents to improve his educational condition and activities.
  10. To get feedback to treat the student psychologically and diagnostically.

Delimitation of the study

Every investigation has its own limitations. Due to limitation of time, money and labor, an investigator has to limit his/her study or investigation.  This study also has some limitations. An Investigator cannot study and investigate each and everything of a person. I have limited this study only to Mr. Bikash K.C. This study is confined within the personal, educational, familial, economic, psychological and behavioral aspects of Mr. Bikash K.C.

In course of this study, I have interviewed the student, his English teacher and the principal of the school. I have interviewed only few students of his class for this study. I have involved some other teachers of the school in this study. Other necessary information has been collected from observation of the student’s activities and behavior.

Methodology   of the study

Any study or investigation needs some data and information to find out the desired facts. Certain sources of data collection are to be consulted for data collection. There are different tools of data collection that are to be applied in the study during data collection. The sources of data, tools of data collection and methods of data collection applied in course of the study are listed below:

  1. Sources of data collection

The following sources have been consulted as sources of data during the study to collect necessary data & information.

  1. Mr. Bikash K.C. – the student himself.
  2. Mr. Anil K.C. – the student’s father

iii. Mr. Sovit Ram Karki – the principal of the school.

  1. Mr. Shatrughan pd.Singh- The subject teacher.
  2. Staff of the school.
  3. School Record

vii. The student’s peers of class 7 etc.

  1. Tools of data collection

The following tools of data collection have been used in the data collection in this study:

  1. Some questionnaires
  2. Questionnaire forms

iii. Notes, etc.

  1. Methods of data collection

The data and information have been collected applying the following methods:

  1. Different questionnaires
  2. Observation of the student’s activities and behaviors

iii. Interview with the teachers

  1. Interview with the student’s peers
  2. Face to face talk with the student, etc.

Interpretation and analysis of data

  1. General introduction of the student

General introduction of the student has been given below

Name                             : Mr. Bikash K.C Kapoor

School                            : Shree Taudaha H.S School

Class                              : 7

Roll No.                         : 1

Gender                           : Male

Age                                : 13 years

Date of Birth                  : 01-05-2053

Religion                         : Hindu

Permanent Address        : Saibu Lalitpur

Temporary Address       : Saibu Lalitpur

Fathers’ Name                : Mr. Anil K.C Kapoor

Occupation                    : Businessman

Mother’s Name              : Ambika K.C Kapoor

Occupation                    : Housewife

No. of family members  : 5

Elder Brother                 : Bikkey K.C.

Name of Sister               : Anu K.C

Date of Admission         : 2060

Future Aim                    : To be an Pilot

Mr. Bikash K.C is a student of class 7 in Taudaha H.S School

He is the most intelligent student in the class. He was born on 1st   Bhadra 2053B.S. as the second son of Mr. Anil K.C and Mrs. Ambika K.C in Kathmandu and has been living in Saibu, Kathmandu with his  parents elder sister and brother. His religion is Hindu. His father is a businessman and her mother is a housewife. Her elder sister and brother are students. His favorites subject is science, Nepali and English. His aim is to become an pilot.

  1. Student’s familial background

According to the student, there are altogether 5 members in his family- father, mother, elder sister, elder brother and student himself. They are the residents of Kathmandu but have been living in Kathmandu. I have presented and analyzed the data about the educational and economical condition of the family.

i. Economic condition of the family

Main occupation:                              Temporary job.

Father’s occupation:                          Businessman

Mother’s occupation:                        Housewife

Monthly familial income:                  Tolerable

Source of income:                             Business

According to the student and his father, his father has a Business. Familial income is tolerable and the source of income is father’s business. According to them their economic status is medium.

ii. Educational condition of the family

S.N. Name Age Sex Relation Education Remarks

Anil K.C

M. Father S.L.C
2. Ambika K.C F. Mother Literate
3. Bikkey K.C 16 M. Brother S.L.C
4. Anu K.C 18 F. Sister 11
5. Bikash K.C 13 M. 7 Himself

According to the above data, his parents are Literate. His father is S.L.C passed. But according to the student himself, his father guides him and his sister and brother in their study.

iii. Student’s health condition

Height         :         4.5ft.

Weight        :         29 kg.

Eye sight     :         good

Hearing       :         good

Disease       :         normal health problem (sometimes)

From the above data, it is clear to see that his health condition is good. He is neither two fat nor to thin. He likes to have Nepali dishes and fruits. As a whole we can conclude that his study is not affected by his health.

3. Student’s activities in school and house

According to the principal of the school and gradate teacher of class he attends his classes most often. He is clever in other activities. He is neat and clean. He is serious in his study. He asks questions with the teachers only sometimes. He does his homework most often. Sometimes he participates in extra-curricular activities. He is co-operative, obedient and loyal to his teachers. His behavior with his friends is satisfactory. He does not   make noise in class and pays attention to the teachers and listens to them. I am also his English teacher. In my opinion, he is the most intelligent, obedient and loyal student.    According to his peers in the class, He sometimes talks in the class and makes noise. He pays attention to the teachers. He never disturbs others.

According to the student himself and his father, he spends most of his time in study and studies seriously. He studies four hours in house each day. During his examination, he studies for about 10 hours. His parents are helpful in activities of house. His father inspires him in his study and pays more attention to his study. His father says that he sometimes quarrels in house. Sometimes he listens to the radio, watching TV and plays some games, too.

  1. Student’s discipline

According to the teachers and the peers of the student his discipline is Good. He respects his teacher and other seniors and loves the juniors. He loves and co-operates her friends. He is neat and clean. He does his homework regularly. He does not make noise in the classroom and pay attention to his study. But he is sometime bad tampered. It is his weakness.

  1. Student’s educational condition

Here, I have presented the marks-sheet of Mr. Bikash K.C. of the first terminal examination of class 7 taken in 2009.

S.N Subjects Full Marks Pass Marks Mark Obtained
1. C. Nepali 10 3.2 6.9
2. C. English 7 2.3 5.2
3. C. Mathematics 10 3.2 4.0
4. C. Science-I 7.5 2.4 4.7
5. C. Social Studies 7.5 2.4 4.6
6. C. Health, Pop. & Env. 5 1.6 2.2
7. Health & Physical Edu. 5 1.6 2.8
8. Civics & Moral Edu. 5 1.6 3.0
9. E. English-II 10 3.2 8.0
10. E. Mathematics-II 10 3.2 4.6
11. Nep. Grammar 5 1.6 3.6
Total 82 26.3 49.6


Percent: 60.48%

Division: First

Position: 1st

Result: Passed


The marks show that he is very intelligent in his study. He had passed the first terminal exams of grade7 in 2009 and is studying in the same class now. This shows that his educational condition is very nice. In classroom also, he answers the question asked to him. He is intelligent and extra-ordinary.

Conclusion and suggestion

  1. Conclusion

I completed the case study in short period but I tried to collect more data and information as far as possible. I studied and analyzed the available data information. The data and information show that Mr. Bikash K.C, a student of grade 7 in Taudaha H.S School and the younger son of Mr. Anil K.C and Mrs. Ambika K.C is very intelligent student in his study from the analysis of the data, I came to the conclusion that he has become an extra-ordinary in his study due to the following causes or reason:

  1. He attends his class regularly.
  2. He pays to his study. He does not make noise in the class and listens to the teacher.
  3. He does his homework regularly.
  4. The teachers pay more attention to the students personally.
  5. His educational background is nice.
  6. His father wants to make his son more educated person.
  7. Suggestions

(i)      Suggestions for the school

The children are the pillars of nation. The children of today are the good citizens of future to handle the nation and drive the nation to its bright future. They need proper education today. Some students are extra-ordinary in every class. The teachers as well as parents should not leave them without any care. The student Bikash K.C is different from other students. His aim in future is to be a Pilot. He is in need of extra activity to achieve better result. I would like to give the following suggestions:

  1. The school should manage enough instructional materials and educational programs in the school.
  2. The school should give more emphasis to such students in teaching and learning and also in other extra-curricular activities.
  3. The school should give more emphasis to students’ discipline.
  4. The school should call the parents of the students and get information about the students. It should establish good relationship with the parents and should have mutual co-operation.
  5. School administration should supervise teaching and other activities of the teachers and should provide necessary guidelines.
  6. The teachers should pay more attention to such students and give more time for the students to practice.
  7. Student-centered method in teaching and learning is more necessary in the school.
  8. The teachers should discourage talking in the class and encourage practice, doing homework etc.

(ii)     Suggestions for the student’s family

  1. The family should manage enough instructional materials for the student.
  2. The parents should encourage him in his study and should discourage unnecessary activities.

 (iii)   Suggestions for the student

I want to give the following suggestions to the student Mr. Bikash K.C:

  1. You should pay more attention to your study.
  2. You should listen attentively to your teachers and should practice given homework.
  3. Do your homework regularly and if you don’t understand anything, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers.
  4. You should not talk in the classroom. You must be more serious towards your study. You have to reach your goal.
  5. Give more time to your study.
  6. Try to learn many things from your friends but don’t adopt bad things.
  7. Take suggestions from your teachers and your parents to improve your educational condition.

Annex ‘A’

  1. Name of the student:                                                           Class:

Address:                                                                                            Roll No.:

Date of birth:                                                                                     School:

Father’s Name

Mother’s Name:

Weight of student:

Height of student:

Date of admission at school:

Relation Name Qualification Occupation Religion


  1. Other information


2.1 When did you start study at this school?


2.2 Do you come to regularly?

  1. always b. Seldom       c. mostly           d. rarely

2.3 What is your aim in life?


2.4 Which subject do you like most?


2.5 How many hours do you study at home?


2.6 What do you do at home in your holiday?


2.7 Do you help your father mother? How?


2.8which book do read expect your textbook?


  1. English literature b. Nepali literature                 c. science
  2. history e. mathematics        f. newspaper

2.9 do you watch TV?

  1. always   b. mostly                        c. very little                                   d. never

2.10 do you watch TV? Which programmed do you like most?


2.11do you do your homework given by the teacher?


2.12who is your best teacher?


2.13With whom do you ask if you get any confusion.

  1. friends b. related subject teacher c . Father mother
  2. brother sister e. tuition


2.14 How do you study at home?

  1. alone b. with brother sister

2.15 What types of materials do the students need to study?


2.16 which subject is difficult to study for you?


2.17 which is your favorite subject?


2.18 Which subject do you study much?


2.19 Which subject do you study less?


2.20 What is your favorite game?


2.21 Do you like music?


2.22 Do you fight with your brother and sister?

  1. always b. seldom c. never

2.23 In which matter does you fight with your brother and sister?


2.24 Do your father –mother scolds you?

  1. always b. seldom                         c. never

2.25Do you quarrel with your father and mother?

  1. always                   b. seldom                         c. never         d. mostly

2.26What do your father and mother does if you quarrel with them?

  1. scolding b. beating c. suggest                d. nothing

2.27Do you consult Doctor while you fall in sick?


2.28 What do you have every day as your meal?


2.29What do you like to eat as your lunch?


2.30How do you evaluate yourself?

  1. Capable b. middle        c. common                   d. weak

2.31 How do your parents help you?

  1. Remove confusion
  2. Suggest to study
  3. Buy necessary materials
  4. Give money only
  5. nothing

2.32 What do you do if you couldn’t understand the lesson taught by your teachers?

  1. ask with teacher b. ask with students c. ask with father and mother

2.33 Tell your three good habits.




2.34 Tell your three bad habits.




2.35 Why didn’t you go to study in boarding school?


2.36 Which colors do you like most?


2.37 Which animal do you like?


2.38 Tell the name of a great national hero?


2.39 What are the main qualities of a student?


2.40 Who is your favorite friend?


2.41 Do you like to have entertainment inside the classroom?

  1. always b. never c. mostly       d. seldom

2.42 Do you fight with your friend?

  1. always b. never c. mostly       d. seldom

2.43 Do you have to tell anything else?






Annex ‘B’

For Subject Teacher:


Name of Student:



Roll No.:


This Questionnaire is prepared for child study.

You are requested to fill up true answers only.

Name of teacher:

  1. What three strong points do you see in your student?




  1. What are the three weak points of Bikash K.C.?




  1. Discipline of your student
  2. quiet discipline b. good    c. well  d. well  e. Not at all
  3. Regularity and punctuality of your student
  4. always b. seldom   c. mostly
  5. What suggestions do you give for his better performance?




The end

Case Study in Nepali


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