Home / Job Offers / Government Jobs / Myadi Police Vacancy for 98268 vacant posts All over Nepal

Myadi Police Vacancy for 98268 vacant posts All over Nepal

Hits: 1173

Nepal Police announces vacancy for the 98268 Myadi police for the election purpose at the lower house and Pradesh Sabha election.


  • Nepali Citizen
  • Not a member of political party
  • Literate

Those who have once worked in Nepal army, Nepal police and APF and Retired are encouraged to apply.

Those who are Game Scouts/ Forest Savers



Interested candidates shall apply in the District Police office of All the districts of Nepal.


Work duration:

55 days


Salary: 17230/- per month Plus + Local Vatta + 7 days Special Vatta 250 Rs per day + Khaja Khana vatta for 7 days 250 Rs. per day.


If Injured:

The Myadi police will be given not more than 150000 if injured.

If dead will be given 15 lakhs.
For clothes purpose: 4000 Rs.
To go to the place of work: Rs. 1000
Contact Date: 2074/7/1

The current Jobs Expires in:

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One comment

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