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National Investigation Department Vacancy | Investigation Officer Job in Nepal

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National Investigation Department Vacancy for Investigation Officer | CID Job in Nepal

National Investigation Department is an intelligence agency established in the Union as provided in the Constitution of Nepal. Its responsibility is to provide all kinds of information required by the government for the protection of the independence, sovereignty, geographical integrity, independence, internal and national security and interests of the state of Nepal. In addition to various areas of national security, the important task of the department is to collect information related to economic and financial crimes, terrorism, organized crime and other crimes, religion, culture, language and disrupting the harmony between communities. The Central Office of this Department is located at Singha Durbar under the Office of the Government of Nepal, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers.

National Investigation Department , Nepal has published a vacancy announcement for 22 number of Investigation Officer, and 33 number of Assistant Investigation Officer. Only Nepalese citizens can apply for the post. Interested can find application form and curriculum from: http://www.moha.gov.np/news/fullnews/2/672. See the full vacancy notice:

National Investigation Department Application Form

Download application for of Investigation bureau from the given link:

Download Investigation Officer Application Form

Investigation Officer Exam

Download investigation officer exam schedule from the given link:
Investigation Officer Exam Schedule

National Investigation Bureau Vacancy Notice

Investigation Officer Syllabus

Download investigation officer syllabus from the given link:
Investigation Officer Syllabus

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  1. Sospeeka Sharma

    I want to help (CID Officer) in CID Office. You can contact me (9845669735).This is my contact number. Thank u.

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