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Nepal Sanskrit University Vacancy | Teaching and Administrative Jobs for Officer and Assistant Posts
Nepal Sanskrit University Vacancy | Teaching and Administrative Jobs for Officer and Assistant Posts

Nepal Sanskrit University Vacancy | Teaching and Administrative Jobs for Officer and Assistant Posts

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Nepal Sanskrit University Vacancy | Teaching and Administrative Jobs for Officer and Assistant Posts

Nepal Sanskrit University (then Mahendra Sanskrit University) was formally established in Belzhundi Dang on December 10, 2006 with the objective of making the nobility flow according to the demands of the time. The work started by the then King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah in line with the objective of developing Sanskrit education in Nepal as a center for institutional and layered development has been established through the activism of King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah and the sacrifice and hard work of the Nepali people. Sanskrit educationists from different parts of the country including Dang district have made significant contribution for the protection and upliftment of Sanskrit education in the establishment of Sanskrit University. For this purpose, the background of this university has been prepared in the year 2010 by donating 1200 (twelve hundred) bigahs of land in Deukhuri valley of Dang from the education lovers of Dang and the local Majgaiya family. Yes As a result, Janata College was established in Bijauri, Dang in 2011 BS and an international level conference was held in the same place in 2024 BS. In the same background, it was announced to establish Mahendra Sanskrit University in 2026 BS. Under the leadership of Yogi Narharinath, 326 bigahas of land was collected as donations from local educationists and other Sanskrit enthusiasts, and in 2031 BS, the office of the Dean of the Institute of Sanskrit Studies was established at Belzhundi, Dang. Thus the foundation of the establishment of Nepal Sanskrit University has been laid. The then Mahendra Sanskrit University was established in 2043 BS. After the establishment of the republic in Nepal, its name was changed to Nepal Sanskrit University in 2063 BS. Done. In the same background, it was announced to establish Mahendra Sanskrit University in 2026 BS. Under the leadership of Yogi Narharinath, 326 bigahas of land was collected as donations from local educationists and other Sanskrit enthusiasts, and in 2031 BS, the office of the Dean of the Institute of Sanskrit Studies was established at Belzhundi, Dang. Thus the foundation of the establishment of Nepal Sanskrit University has been laid. The then Mahendra Sanskrit University was established in 2043 BS. After the establishment of the republic in Nepal, its name was changed to Nepal Sanskrit University in 2063 BS. Done. In the same background, it was announced to establish Mahendra Sanskrit University in 2026 BS. Under the leadership of Yogi Narharinath, 326 bigahas of land was collected as donations from local educationists and other Sanskrit enthusiasts, and in 2031 BS, the office of the Dean of the Institute of Sanskrit Studies was established at Belzhundi, Dang. Thus the foundation of the establishment of Nepal Sanskrit University has been laid. The then Mahendra Sanskrit University was established in 2043 BS. After the establishment of the republic in Nepal, its name was changed to Nepal Sanskrit University in 2063 BS. The foundation stone has been laid for the establishment of Nepal Sanskrit University. The then Mahendra Sanskrit University was established in 2043 BS. After the establishment of the republic in Nepal, its name was changed to Nepal Sanskrit University in 2063 BS. The foundation stone has been laid for the establishment of Nepal Sanskrit University. The then Mahendra Sanskrit University was established in 2043 BS. After the establishment of the republic in Nepal, its name was changed to Nepal Sanskrit University in 2063 BS.

Objectives of NSU

  • To produce skilled manpower by teaching Sanskrit education in a well-organized manner up to high level in Nepal,
  • By studying, researching, protecting and promoting the special achievements of Sanskrit education in various fields, to spread the noble sentiments like ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Survey Bhavantu Sukhinah’,
  • To fulfill the national need by preparing self-reliant manpower through Sanskrit education by continuing the glorious tradition of Sanskrit education which has been living in Nepal since time immemorial.
  • To expose the aspects of epistemology by conducting study, research and training of multipurpose subjects like Ayurveda, Yoga and Prakrit medicine, the classical and practical subjects inherent in Sanskrit literature as per the social need.
  • To preserve and promote the traditional religion, moral values, morality and morality inherent in the ancient literature by searching for the uniqueness such as culture and civilization,
  • To develop the university as a coordination center of knowledge science.
  • NSU announces vacancy for the follows posts

    Nepal Sanskrit University Vacancy 2078 | Job Details

    Deadline: 2079 Baisakh 21

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    Nepal Sanskrit University Vacancy

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