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Everest Engineering College Vacancy
Everest Engineering College Vacancy

Everest Engineering College Vacancy | Teaching Job | Engineer Jobs in Nepal

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Everest Engineering College Vacancy | Teaching Jobs in Nepal

Everest Engineering College one of the reputed and leading engineering colleges in Nepal under the affiliation of Pokhara University. Our motto is quality education in the field of technology through research and innovation creating the national integrity. The college is located at Sanepa-2, Lalitpur in the shrine academic city of the country. We have ample space for recreation, standard classrooms and seminar hall required for each and every academic and extra-curricular activities required for the student of graduate and undergraduate level. We always welcome the new and creative ideas of students and plan and work to create practical

Everest Engineering College (EEC) established in 2001 A.D, is one of the reputed and leading engineering colleges in Nepal under the affiliation of Pokhara University. The college is run by a group of enthusiastic young experienced academicians who are involved in administration, classroom teaching, research activities in different engineering fields and above all in the total management of the college. We have been providing quality education to the students and producing academically sound high skilled human resources for the society and for the nation with high human values and professional integrity. At EEC, we understand education as transfer of knowledge through research, innovation and availability of the working opportunities to the prospective engineers. Our team is dedicated to create excellent teaching-learning environment with extensive counseling, interactions and project works. Our graduates have proved themselves competent and competitive both in academic higher education and in professional career nationally and globally.. EEMC announces vacancy for the follows posts

Engineering College Vacancy 2078 | Job Details

Deadline: 2079 Baisakh 2

Job Title Vacant Number
Professor/Asst.Professor/ Lecturer(Database, Programming, Software Engineering, Network related subjects) Few
Professor/Asst.Professor/ Lecturer (Instrumentation, Microprocesor, Basic Electronics related subjects, Data/ Wireless/ mobile communication related subjets) Few
Professor/Asst.Professor/ Lecturer (Water resources engineering related subjects) Few
Lecturer (Mathematics) One
Lecturer (Mechanical workshop/ applied mechanics/ drawing) Few
Lecturer (Electrical) One
Lab instructor (civil) One
Lab instructor (mechanical workshop) One
Lab instructor (computer) Few
Lab instructor (Electronics) Few

Everest Engineering College vacancy | Jobs in Nepal


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Everest Engineering College Vacancy
Everest Engineering College Vacancy

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