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Sample Lesson Plan in English: Teaching I am Becoming My Mother Poem

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Sample Lesson Plan in English: Teaching I am Becoming My Mother

A lesson plan to teach the above poem is as follows:

Teacher’s name: Ramesh Gopal Shrestha Class : 10

No. of Students: 40             Time : 45 minutes

Topic: ‘I am Becoming My Mother’ (Poem)

  1. Specific Objectives

The students will be able to

  1. Understand the gist of the poem and
  2. Familiarize with the figurative meaning in the poem.
  3. Procedures

Activity One

The teacher writes the following sentences on the board and the students are asked to complete them. They work in pairs.


Mother always works ……………………..

Mother never……………………………………………………..

Father always ……………………………………………………..

Father Never ……………………………………………………….

Sister always ………………………………………………………

Sister never ……………………………………………………..

When the students complete the sentences they have to read the sentences aloud. One does so from each pair and others listen to him/her. The students are asked to choose which of them they like and they are encouraged to give reasons why they do so.

Activity Two

Teacher asks the students to guess the title of the poem. If they don’t guess correct one he tells the title and writes it on the board. He describes the title. Then, the students read the poem silently. After that he reads the poem and asks the students to underline any figurative words and phrases that they find in the poem. Then, he elicits from the students and writes on the board such as ‘figures smelling always onions’ ‘ to  pull shame out of her eye’ etc. He asks the students what the above phrases mean, he discusses their meanings including the students’ views.

Activity Three

He divides the class into different groups (such as 8 groups including five students in each group). He writes the following four questions on the board, the students have to discuss in groups and write answers to these questions:

  1. Who is becoming mother?
  2. What is the work of mother?
  3. How the speaker is becoming her mother?
  4. How is the speaker’s work similar to the mother?

A student from each group is asked to read the answers of his/her group to the class; when the all group finish then they compare their answers and try to make similar to each other. Then, the teacher explains the poem including the ideas written by the students.

Activity Four

The students are asked to write a short paragraph describing the main theme of the poem.

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