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Accounting and Its Principles | Bank Exam Preparation

Hits: 3524Accounting and Its Principles | Bank Exam Preparation Dot Nepal presents useful notes for the Bank Exam Preparation. Accounting and Its Principles | Bank Exam Preparation Introduction of Accounting and its Principles Introduction of Accounting Accounting is the language of business and mirror of financial transaction. Combination of records, …

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What is Local Governance ?

Hits: 206What is Local Governance ? Local Governance Local governance can be defined as the exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at local levels. It refers to a system to which fundamental functions, appropriate resources and clearly identified responsibilities are present at sub national …

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The Politics of Nationhood in Ayi Kwei Arma’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born and Wole Soyinka’s The Interpreters

Hits: 420 The Politics of Nationhood in Ayi Kwei Arma’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born and Wole Soyinka’s The Interpreters Introduction Since the second world war, and particularly during the period of decolonization and neo-colonialism in Africa, African writing has be preoccupied by the themes of colonial invasion …

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Summary of Marigolds

A literary Surgery

Hits: 1002Summary of Marigolds Writer:             Subramani Nationality:     Indian The essay ‘Marigolds’ is written by Subramani. This essay represents the writing and image from the distant land of New Zealand and South Pacific. The writer carries with her strong images of Indian contentment to a distant land where they …

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Ralph Freedman’s Siddhartha: Introduction and Summary

A literary Surgery

Hits: 191Ralph Freedman’s Siddhartha: Introduction and Summary Writer:              Ralph Freedman Nationality:      German Education:         Ph.D. This essay is an introduction to Siddhartha, one of the greatest novel of 20th century by Hermann Hesse. Professor Freedman, the writer of the essay, writes it in convincing and powerful language. The …

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Summary of Origin of Species

A literary Surgery

Hits: 63Summary of Origin of Species Writer:     E. Royston Pike Write a summary of the essay ‘Origin of Species’. This theory incorporates within three points: Natural selection Struggle for existence iii. Survival of the fittest Darwin’s evolutionary theory was reaction against the biblic notion of man. Bible holds that …

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