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Himalayan Power Partner IPO Result : Full Name list and Invalid List

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Himalayan Power Partner IPO Result Full Name list | IPO Result

Today, Himalayan Power Partner Limited has concluded its IPO allotment for 2130000 units of shares. The company has opened its IPO submission from Asar 1st to 5th of Asar. The company has asked the investers to apply minimum of 500 to 10000 units of shares.

According to the new provision of  Securities Board of Nepal, the company has allotted minimum of 10 units of shares to all the investers. The new provision has benefited the small investers. As of the new provision, of Securities Board of Nepal, and big invsters are not likely to get much attention in the IPO investment. The company has become the first to adopt and conclude the new provision.
In the coming days, there should be no provision of investment hierarchy. The company shall ask the investers to apply minimum units of shares if it has to go with the new provision. The new provision ultimately became bias towards the big investers for not valuing their investment. The new provision will attract the attention of the small investers and it can be predicted that there will be more number of small investers in the IPO.

HPPL IPO Allotment

Download Full Allotment Name list: Himalayan Power Partner Ltd. IPO Allotment List

HPPL Invalid Name List

Download from the given link. Download Invalid Name List:  Invalid/Reject List of Himalayan Power Partner IPO Allotment

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