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M.Ed. English

What is lyric?

A literary Surgery

Hits: 91What is lyric? The word ‘lyric’ literally means a song to be sung or recited to the accompaniment of the lyre (a musical instrument). Lyric is a form of a poem, used for a short non-narrative poem which expresses the feelings and thoughts of a single speaker in a …

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What is an ode?

A literary Surgery

Hits: 333. What is an ode? Ode, a lyric poem, is especially written in praise of somebody or something. To put it differently, an ode is a dignified and elaborately structured lyric poem. An ode has the following principled features: – An elaborated stanza-structure – A marked formality and stateliness …

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A Literary Surgery and Pedagogical Treatment to Literature in Language Teaching: Literature in English Language Teaching

A literary Surgery

Hits: 238A Literary Surgery and Pedagogical Treatment to Literature in Language Teaching: Literature in English Language Teaching   Syllabus Literature in English Language Teaching Course Title: Literature in English Language Teaching      Full Marks: 50 Course No. Eng. Ed. 522                                               Pass Marks: 20 Nature of the Course: Theory                                         Period per …

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